Highland Cattle Auction Guestbook
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Wow ! We are going Highlands and Things are looking Great. We have had so many people looking for different Highlands. Cows, Breeding heifers, Breeding bulls, Yearling heifers butcher steers/cows. I have even had someone looking for a Highland milk cow. The demand is out there.
Get yours listed as soon as possible.
See You in Norwood.
Time is getting closer to the auction, pretty soon spring will be here and everyone will be looking for Highlands to put on their pasture. Glad to see some people are taking the Highland by the horn and consigning already, will get much more exposure by doing it early. See you on April 17th.
Time is getting close. There were so many people that helped out last year to make the auction such a great success. I know this year will be even better. We have a wonderful group of people that support each other and the Highlands that we all love.
I can already hear the bidding going now.
If you are sitting on the fence about coming, jump down and start moving this way.
It's going to be a great time.
See You There in Norwood !!!!
I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT THE AUCTION! We have already had over 50 head consigned to the 2013 second annual sale. We will be getting pictures of all of the animals up this week. THANK YOU ALL WHO BOUGHT and SOLD LAST YEAR TO MAKE THIS SUCH A HUGE SUCCESS!
Well here we are back again for the second Highland cattle auction on Thursday, April 18th at the Norwood Sale Barn. See there are some registered Highlands already consigned. From the calls and inquiries I have received this winter, anyone with reg. & unreg. bred heifers or cows need to think about consigning. I have had numerous calls for registered bred heifers this winter. So if you have any, think about consigning them. See you at the auction.
WOW!!! What a Highland auction.
The bidding gallery was full of eager Highland bidders, and HHCA breeder supporters. Even tho the first few Highlands went very reasonable, that quickly changed when the registered bulls and cows started coming into the ring. The bids started flying.
Congratulations to all the buyers and new breeders. I know the sellers really appreciate you.
After the annual meeting last weekend, the buzz words were Highland auction. We have the buyers from the inquiries I have had as Secretary of the HHCA, now we need sellers with animals to provide for these buyers. This auction endeavor by the association is for all members of the HHCA to be able to sell and purchase animals, lets all support it.
We really enjoy our highlands and would highly recommend them to all small farmers. We finally got to enjoy our first highland beefsteak and it was fantastic, we have no problem selling the beef for a premium price to friends and neighbors. Hopefully this auction can become a yearly event. We will be at the auction selling and buying.
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