Highland Cattle Auction Guestbook
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It is time again to think about consigning your Highlands to the fall Highland sale in Parsons, KS We have viewed the Livestock Barn and facility and have found it to be nicer that where we were in 2018. Consignments begin Sunday, Sept. 15th. Just go over the info on the Highland auction website so you are up to date with the changes from last year, and we will see you at the auction.
If you are looking to sell some Highlands this fall, think about consigning to the Coffeyville Livestock Market in Coffeyville, KS where there will be a Highland auction on Sat. Dec. 1st, 2018. Check out them out at www.highlandauction.com
Consignments taken Sept. 1, 2018.
We are in Utah and want to buy 3 cows or heifers. We can't make the trip to the sale. Willing to compensate anyone willing to pickup animals for us and deliver or bring them closer to Utah?
Will make it worth your while!
We are looking for a young bull and heifer.
We are really getting consignments early this year and from so many different states. Right now we have Highlands consigned from IL; IN; MI; MO; OK; TX and WI.
Seven states bringing new bloodlines for the buyers to take home. We sure are pleased with what are consigned so far. Keep checking out the website and be sure to tell your friends to come join us at this sale. With the new location and amenities, hopefully all will be pleased.
This may seem a little late, but the 4th annual auction is still being played over and over at our house. What an awesome auction! Something for everyone. Gloria, Jerry and HHCA team once again knocked it out of the park! Congrats to each and every one of you. We already have a couple heifers picked out for next year!!
Consignments for Highland cattle begin on Jan. 1st, 2015. Look forward to hearing from anyone ready to consign. Be sure to look at the sale information for the changes this year. Looking forward to the 4th annual Highland cattle auction to be a great one in 2015.
This years auction should be the best yet! We have the highest quality of Highlands that we have ever had, cattle prices are at an all time high and the buyers and sellers are coming! Looking forward to seeing everyone and having a great sale! Praying for a beautiful day on April 17th!
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